I was making less than $10/ hour when I started my business in 2007, now I generate over $1k/ hour!
Skills I had when I started my first real business…
1. Graphic Design (Value $5-$150 hr)
2. Retail Sales & Prospecting (Value $100+ Hour)
Skills I’ve now stacked over the last 15 years of my career as a graphic designer and marketing agency owner…
1. B2B Sales (Value $1000+ Hour)
2. Branding (Value $1000+ Hour)
3. Graphic Design
4. Website Design (Value $150+ Hour)
5. Google Advertising (Value $100+ Hour)
6. Search Engine Optimization (Value $100+ Hour)
7. Video Production & Editing (Value $300+ Hour)
8. YouTube Video Marketing (Value $1000+ Hour)
9. Marketing Strategy & Planning (Value $1000+ Hour)
10. Marketing Agency Operations (Value $100+ Hour)
11. Leadership Development (Value $500+ Hour)
12. Public Speaking (Value $10,000+ Hour)
13. Book Writing (Value $200+ Hour)
14. Content Creation (Value $300+ Hour)
15. Business Coaching & Consulting (Value $1000+ Hour)
16. Sales Funnel Building and Automation (Value $1000+ Hour)
17. Radio Show & Podcast Production (Value $200+ Hour)
18. Printing Production & Brokering (Value $100+ Hour)
19. Sign installation and vehicle wraps (Value $95+ Hour)
20. LinkedIn Lead Generation (Value $400+ Hour)
21. Event Production and Live Streaming (Value $1000+ Hour)
I can seriously keep goin, but you see the difference right? I completely shifted my identity from a broke high school drop out, to an award-winning seven figure agency owner that teaches people all over the world.
I’ve learned all of these skills by reading books, watching tutorials, hiring coaches, hiring employees more talented than me, and by pushing myself out of my comfort zone ever chance I could.
The last and the most important lesson here is I surrounded myself with successful minded people and we helped each other sharpen our axe’s.
You don’t have to be great to get started, but you have to start to be great!!!
Let’s work together, click my name below .
Keep looking up!